How to Watch RODtv

Current Platform Status

20th April 2024

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If you already have created an account on RODTV, Sing in by clicking button in top right on the menu.

If you are not already registered, choose from the following options;

Free Membership, Browse the entire catalogue; rent or purchase any film; and view all FREE to Watch Content

Select a Subscription Plan, and view EVERYTHING until you cancel. You will need to Sign in to View. Subscriptions can be found in Memberships, in My Account.

Choose to Rent any title, and you can watch just that title for 72 Hours. You will need to Sign in to View. Rentals can be found in My Rentals, in My Account.

Choose to Purchase any title, and download, to own; and view on a device of your choice. You will need to Sign in to Download. Downloads can be found in My Purchases, in My Account.

This will take you to a Login / Create Account form..  use the Login,  enter your details used when creating your account. For security compliance, you may occasionally be sent an email to verify your credentials, if you receive one of these, click the link to verify, login and you can now view all the films if you have subscribed, or the individual film you have rented or purchased. You will not need to verify your credentials again.

The Red Button will now show as Play, if you have the required access and are logged in.

If you have purchased a download, a Red Download button will appear.

If you are coming from VIAMTV, you will need to create an account before you can use RODTV.  You can use the same username / email etc you used on VIAMTV, but you will need to register (Create Account) them again on this site as its a different platform

How Do I Watch RODtv

You To view content on RODTV. Select Browse and you will see all available content on offer.You then have the option to either subscribe on a Monthly or Annual Plan. These entitle you to be able to watch any thing on RODTV. Or if you don't wish to commit to a subscription, you can select any title and choose to rent to view online, or purchase outright and download, to view offline on most devices. You can also choose any series and purchase access to all episodes or season in that Series.

Where Can I Watch RODtv

You can watch RODTV on any device that connects to the internet, including Laptops, PCs, Mobiles (Ios and Android) Tablets & Smart TVs.


Once you have bought a subscription plan, or rented or purchased a film or series, you will have entered your details and chosen a password. To watch all content if you have subscribed or to view any rental or purchase, you will need to SIGN IN. You will also need this to access and check your ACCOUNT

How Do I Watch RODtv on Smart TV

You can watch RODTV on most Smart TVs. Most Smart TVs will have an internet Browser. Type in to access the RODtv platform, if you only hear audio and no video, click the 'Full Screen' icon in the bottom right of the player. You can also 'cast' to the TV from your mobile or computer over the wifi. This will enable you to cast to Chromecast, or Airplay...or you can use a casting app, such as .Video & TV Cast which you will find in most app stores, or can be downloaded from

How Do I Watch RODtv on Chromecast

You can watch RODtv on Chromecast. To view on Chromecast, it will only work using Google Chrome browser. Once you open a video and press play, you will see a Chromecast icon in the bottom right of the player, click that and it will show all the devices in your house that work with Chromecast. Select your TV from that list and press start casting. The film will now play on the TV.

How Do I Cancel RODtv Subscription

Sign in to RODtv, select Account in the dropdown menu under your username. The click on Memberships, you will see a button that shows 'Active' against any paid membership / Subscription Plan. Click active and you will see 'Cancel' click that and you will be asked if you wish to confirm the cancellation. Click yes; and the subscription will be cancelled and no further payments will be collected. Once cancelled you will no longer be able to stream any of the Films or Series, but your account on the site can still be accessed; and you will be able to rent or purchase, or re-start the subscription at a later date.

How Do I Contact Support

Please complete the below form, include as much detail in the message as possible, describing your issue; and we will respond within 24 hours (usually sooner, depending on time zone).

    Contact RODTV